Night Audit June 16th, 2016

3:23 - Word count, 2,527. I didn't start writing until after night audit. So that's an hour, maybe a tad over. Regardless, that's a new record not only for words written in an hour, but also words written at once without stopping. Feels great. I guess my mind knew it needed to make up for the past two weeks. I'm still about 6,500 words behind my goal, but that's ok. Goals are just that. A place I want to be. I want to reach the point that I'm constantly writing 12,500 words a week. It will take time, focus, and dedication. Until then I'll just take solace in the fact that I just broke the 37,000 word count for the novel. Besides, I'm sure once I hit the point that I write 12,500 words a week, I'll want to raise my goal and aim for 15,000 or more. Goals are just a way to motivate productivity out of me. I'm going to try and not let it get in my way and bring me down.

4:14 - Word count, 3,253. I'm about to write a dream scene, but I don't know how to go about it. I know the main points I want in it, but since it's a dream I don't want it to read the same way as the rest of the novel. I'm debating between skipping it, or just waiting for my subconscious to help work it out. I think I'll take a break. Eat, maybe drink some more coffee. Come back to it right before breakfast at 5:15. It should be a very short scene. I can probably write it in about fifteen minutes, once I know how to go about it.

4:26 - I was outside smoking. I watched as the moon was above a power line and then moved bellow it and slipped behind a tree in the distance. It's the first time in my life, that I've been able to fully grasp just how fast the earth is rooting and the moon is rotation around us. It's an exhilarating experience. I'm even able to understand the special nature of our horizon and how despite the power line looking to be taller than the tree, it's actually the arc of the earth creating an optical illusion. It took two points of reference and the moon being in the lowest part of the horizon, but I finally think I can fathom the spherical nature of our earth against the backdrop of the orbiting moon. It seems like such a small thing as I write this, but feels momentous. Maybe it's odd that I'm so excited about watching the moon set, but I can extrapolate the sun's arch across our sky. I think I can even envision the earth moon relation within the larger orbit around the sun. I wonder if this is how astrophysicist feel when they're observing new orbital bodies within our solar system.

Daily Word Count, #DailyWC - 3,765
Novel - DWC: 3,253 TWC: 38,059
Blog - DWC: 512, one blog post.
Weekly Word Count - 8,255

Previous blog Night Audit June 14th, 2016


  1. Congrats on productivity ramping back up. Good luck on the dream scene, if you can make it work I think it will be a great addition to the novel. I feel like dreams in novels help give the reader a better understanding of the character having the dream.

    Night time with a clear sky is an amazing sight. It brings you back to earth and helps discover the bigger picture of life I feel. So awe-inspiring.

    1. Thank you. I agree that the dreams help the reader understand a character more.
