Tonight is rough! Internet is out. Yeah!!! There is little I can do. The issue isn't with out ISP, but with the internal hardware. I'm confident that I found the issue, but I can't be 100% sure. I also don't get paid to be our tech support so I'm not going to risk breaking anything further.
The rain out here has been crazy the past week. With it being Memorial Day weekend, our guests had been in a bad mood since their weekend was ruined by weather. Now that we're in our regular week, most of our guests are here on business. So now with the rain it's caused tech problems, which means guests aren't able to work online.

I find the whole situation annoying on a personal level, because I'm addicted to the internet. Also I'm unable to get on blogger, and have to wait until I get home. Luckily my phone has data, so I can check twitter. I suppose I should be happy since the lack of internet keeps me focused on writing. As I sit here I'm already two blog posts in and 21% of the way to my daily goal for the novel.
We have this awesome NESCAFÉ machine. The coffee isn't the best I've ever had, but it's better than may other coffee machines I've used. It feels like I have an IV drip of caffeine. By this time of night I'm so wired on coffee that the words fly out of my hands, and I can't even type fast enough to keep up. Come 4:00 in the morning, I'll be typing at about 1,400 words an hour. Most of my writing happens between 3:00 and 5:15.
It's about 5:00 and I'm crashing hard core. All my coffee buzz has gone, and I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. Tonight was not the best when it comes to my writing. As it stands I've got 1,354 words done. It's not nothing, but it's also a far cry from my goal. I'll pound another cup of coffee and hit the grind stone.
Finished strong, but it was tough.
Daily Word Count, #DailyWC - 2,266
Novel - DWC: 1,652 TWC: 11,499
Blog - DWC: 614, Two blog posts.
Previous post, Monday May 30th, 2016.
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